Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gotta Love Those Rabbits

My co-worker, Gary, and I have come up with a new phrase pertaining to our ability to pull off the impossible while fixing huge messes at work. That phrase is "pull a rabbit out of your ass." Because, really. Pulling a live rabbit out of that particular cavity would be far more miraculous than simply extracting one from a hat.

If a problem was particularly difficult, you'd say something to the effect of, "Well, I was able to pull out a couple of rabbits." And if it's been a rough day? "Where were you, man? We could've used a few more ass-rabbits."

All of this is a roundabout way of providing context to my Quote of the Day. Because if I just posted it in its regular spot, it wouldn't make a damn bit of sense.


"Desperate times call for ass-rabbits."

Instead of "desperate measures", you see. I might get that copyrighted.


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