Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unintelligible Grunt


Roofers came this morning to, well, work on the roof. We had some damage from the big freeze that came through a few weeks ago; lots of limbs came down all over our yard.

But anyway, they got here around eight o'clock this morning. After that point, I couldn't sleep anymore. Now, before you start accusing me of being a lazy ass, I work second shift. I don't get home until eleven o'clock, usually don't get to sleep until three or so. So I have to sleep til about late morning.

They've been dragging aluminum sheeting up and down all morning, making loud rackets. During a few of the louder ones, I stuffed my head under my pillow and hoped it was one of them falling off the roof.

But I suppose that's wrong. Is that wrong?


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